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Top 10 health hacks for daily life

In our daily life, we can do some hacks that will help us to keep ourselves healthy and smart. Here are 10 health hacks for daily life to use in day to day life.
Health is wealth. Wish it will come to your good use.
Health Hack 1: A glass of water, at night and the morning, can have a profound effect on your health.  going to bed a glass of water protect you from dehydration and clear toxins through the kidney. An early morning glass of water helps to energize the whole day.

Health Hack 2: The head full of dandruff?
Cold water shower is proven to reduce your dandruff.

Health Hack 3: Had hiccups often?
Want to stop it? Take a deep breath, hold it.
 Try to swallow some air keeping your mouth off. It will help dramatically to stop hiccup.

Health Hack 4: pimples can be vanished overnight by using toothpaste on them before going to bed at night. But you have to use plain toothpaste with no flavor (actually the white color toothpaste)

Health Hack 5: Have a bad breath?
 Brush your tongue more than your teeth to get rid of bad breath.

Health Hack 6: After putting toothpaste don't wet the toothbrush with water. Because water reduces the healthy benefits of toothpaste.

Health Hack 7: To prevent pain & bleeding from skin cut or paper cut, use your lip bum on it. It will help quick healing too.

Health Hack 8: 20 minutes workout in the morning and then you can be flying all the day.

Health Hack 9: Want to be relieved from burnt tongue? Put some sprinkle sugar grains on the tongue, it will soothe your tongue.

Health Hack 10: Slow eaters have better digestive benefits, and they can lose weight too.

Here are the top ten health hacks for your daily life. Hope it will help you to keep healthy. To get more health hacks for your life...keep visiting my blogs.

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